View Profile WasabiClock

26 Movie Reviews

14 w/ Responses

Not original and rushed

This flash is not inspired from "Symphony", IT IS SYMPHONY >:C

-We get the concept
-Looks good

-Not enough fast
-Animation looks like it comes from the artists flashes(especially the walking blockhead)
-Same idea as Symphonia

indigoApe responds:

The speed of it was hard to change since i wanted it to go with the music.
The Blockhead walking was rotoscoped, as i said in my comments, due to difficulty in recreating, i used tracing methods to obtain the desired effect (thus explaining why he's all brown when walking, i couldn't get the facial expressions right, nor the hair, nor the hands, nor the legs).

The fact that this is so similar to "Symphony" shows another great flash of '07, the inspiration itself.
Thanks for the review

Thumbs up

I really liked this flash,seriously Rupee,you should keep up with what you started

Animating the characters so they look so lively is hard,and that's a great thumbsup for you :3

You shouldn't care about what people tell you bad about this animation,i seriously think it's a great piece of art,it's simple and it do what it's supposed to do perfectly.

RupeeClock responds:

Don't you think you should sort of, let things go like I have?

Rolled on the floor laughing

Obviously,it looks like the shittiest movie in the bunch according to the score,but it is the one which i think is the best in the bunch.

Heil responds:

lmao yes by far


I will say the same stuff as sir.SqueakyToad,so theres no need in saying it all again,just look for his review a few pages later.

Also i think newgrounders should cool down,animations like this "borrow" daily awards from other flashes who were worthy of it.

Nazi influences

Look at strawberryclock spinning around

Too much hype

The base idea was good but when looking at the animation,it got a lot of fails:
-The animation speed is slow compared to the IRL speed which you used to make the movie backgrounds

-Most of the FBF animations looks bad(considering most of the movie is made with tweens),especially Alien Hominid,Awesome Snake and when you put the paper in.

-Some of the tweens were bad,especially the moment where you made fingers and when you threwn away the Tom Fulp poster

-Tom Fulp poster was just Tom Fulp avatar and it didn't look good(looked a tad pixely)0,increase flash imported images quality

-Use of IRL content to hide those fails

I seriously think this flash is overhypped because of it's content,but still congrats with all the possible good awards you got ^^

I love this

This was made in 2 days,and is a awesome piece of art,i wouldn't be able to pull off so much stuff in 2 days

Masquatto responds:

Thanks again buddy. :}

Fun but drawings are crude

Hello sir,i must say this is a great piece of humor,but obviously,the graphics are bad and the backgrounds are nearly inexistent,i don't doubt your abilities to obtain great scores by working on awesome material,at least Egoraptor's movies graphics are acceptable.

According to your comments,you spent 8 hours approximately to make this movie,some people work for weeks to make movies that are way better than this,i don't think this should deserve frontpage,but hey!It's fun!But next time more efforts would be appreciated ;)

Amazing Sequel

I couldn't believe the return of situation when BQQ got kidnapped by simon the steak!

Bbqbeefburgerman responds:


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